Light and Shade | Painting
What brings your painting or sketches to life? The colors are there but how can you manipulate these colors? Light and shade.
A simple painting or drawing can be more expressive when accentuated by light and object magnified by shade. Sometimes simple rules are often forgotten and that is death... painting becomes flat and rigid.
When we start a painting, we are often occupied of how to position the object on a canvas. Then we find out where the light is coming from and shade would just be at the bottom and always opposite the radiance. It is hard when I was starting to paint but I found a great way to practice light and shade.
Water drops are the best practice piece. I started drawing pencils... then, watercolor pencils... 'till you get the hang of it and apply the techniques in your acrylic or oil painting.
Manipulating light in colors is amazing...
Light comes from the Right side
and the middle part should be a great blend
of two the two colors
Light comes from the upper Right corner
and Shade has a curve to its dimension
at the opposite site
When you manipulate light
it brings out another expression
like in the above picture
a sorta metallic shine
Yeah, it takes more perseverance to really manage the balance of light and shade. It also depends on the object and its position in your painting. A painter said, that when you want to bring life to your paintings you must step back and look at your painting as a whole. This you will see more adjustments that you can apply.
Happy Painting!!!
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