DIY Crafts Garden | Recycling
Hi, DIY Craftsmasters!
Making something on your own and seeing people awed by your projects brings such an accomplishment. Right? The more if you try to recycle stuff out of plastic bottles, tin cans, or from old stuff.
The DIY things that you make stand out. Why? Because it's unique... you made it yourself and there's a touch of your personality that goes with every single project you make. They can't buy that at any store or grocery or art shop. That is your product with your own personal touch written all over it.
If you want to sell your DIY crafts, there is one place that is FREE where you can advertise your creativeness... at home.
Start recycling stuff because it will challenge your creative mind.
If your kids love drinking soda or juice or milk, start collecting plastic containers. The very first part of your home that you can show your creativity is right in your garden.
Make faux fairy houses... fairies... huge butterflies... dragonflies...mushrooms... and of course flowers out of plastic bottles and containers. Just hide all labels and prints under the paint.
Your very first viewers are kids on the block... then they will tell their mothers they want one of your crafts... sell... sell.. and here goes the income... more money to buy shoes for moms. hahaha.
Enjoy decorating your garden!
I would suggest you use Liquitex Paint Budget Pack because I tried so many paints and this one gives you a solid color with these tubes you can really do a lot of painting.
Get your paint brushes ready!!!
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